Meowsic Cat® & Woofer Dog

Meowsic Cat® the treble clef cat, and Woofer© the bass clef dog are beloved characters of Gold Medal Ideas. They are popular in the music world, particularly in the a cappella world, especially among barbershoppers.
The human members of their Gold Medal Ideas family travel to events around the country selling decorated apparel to barbershoppers, ham radio aficionados, and roller derby players and fans. As a result, they gets to travel a lot, and makes friend everywhere they go. Check out some of the places Meowsic Cat and Woofer been!
Many of their fans have had pictures taken with them. You can see some of the pictures of Meowsic Cat and Woofer here. If you’d like, you can upload your own pictures of Meowsic Cat and Woofer.

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